Grading Policy

Link to SDUSD's updated grading policy AR 5121

Grading Marks

Academic marks shall be based on the competency level of each student and subject area as it relates to content standards. Students shall achieve the level of meeting content-area standards by the end of the grading term when a final grade mark is recorded (at the elementary level final grade marks are issued a the end of the year, at the secondary level final grade marks are issued at the end of each course). Per California State Education Code, attendance shall not be factored into the academic grade. Any grades assigned for academics shall be reported as follows:

Citizenship Marks

Citizenship marks shall not be influenced by academic marks and reflect the student's general behavior, punctuality, effort, and work habits within the school community. These marks are indications of the student's ability to participate effectively in a democratic society. Behavior goals, language proficiency levels, and social-emotional needs shall be considered prior to issuing a citizenship mark. Absences for religious or cultural holiday observances, excused absences and excused tardies shall not be factored into the citizenship grade. Any grades assigned for citizenship shall be reported as follows:

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