Prospective Families

Welcome prospective families!

Welcome to the Language Academy! We are a K-8 public school that offers students the unique opportunity to become biliterate in either Spanish and English, or French and English.

As a magnet school in the San Diego Unified School District, the process for enrolling at the Language Academy is different than what it would be at your neighborhood school. Because of this, we’ve designed this section of our school website to help you through the process.

Below you will find information about the San Diego Unified School District Choice Application process, including when and how to apply. We have also included information about school tours, which generally take place in the fall (September - November), and spring (March-April), and are open to all prospective families looking to learn more about the Language Academy.

How to Apply to the Language Academy

The Language Academy is a magnet school to which all students must apply online through the San Diego Unified School District Choice Application.

The Priority Choice Application Window for the 2025-2026 school year will be open from Monday, September 23, 2024 and close on Monday, November 4, 2024.

Applications received during this window receive priority for the following school year. Applications received after the Priority Window closes will be processed by date and time received.

How it Works

Complete the Choice Application on SDUSD's website during the Priority Choice Application Window (dates above). 

You can choose up to three schools on your Choice Application. You will be prompted to rank your schools in order of preference, starting with your first choice. For Language Academy, you can apply to both French and Spanish programs, but each must be listed as a separate choice on the Choice Application.

For example:

  1. Language Academy - French
  2. Language Academy - Spanish for English Speakers or Spanish for Spanish Speakers

Parents will be notified in March as to whether their child/ren have been offered a place at any of their Choice schools or if they have been waitlisted.

School Tours

We invite you and your family to come and experience the Language Academy firsthand. 

School tours are on selected Fridays at 9:30 am in the Library. Please see our calendar for dates. After a presentation from school administrators, there is a tour of the classrooms—including both French and Spanish kindergarten—led by 8th graders and (subject to availability) current parents who can speak to the student experience and answer questions. The tour lasts about an hour and a half. 


Please note, there is no onsite parking. Parking around the school is limited due to Area B-Permits. You may park at College Ave Baptist Church (4747 College Ave) and walk. 

Language Requirements

A language assessment is administered to all students for the immersion programs. 

Students applying in kindergarten and first grade must demonstrate: fluency in English for the French one-way immersion program; or, fluency in English or Spanish for the Spanish dual immersion program.

Students entering 2nd grade and above must demonstrate: grade-level literacy in French and English for the French one-way immersion program; or, grade-level literacy in Spanish and English for the Spanish dual immersion program.

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